
信州大学工学部 機械システム工学科 流体エネルギーシステム研究室


Author: 飯尾昭一郎(分担執筆:第8章「水力発電」,pp.70-81)

クリーンエネルギーの技術と市場 2022
Author: 飯尾昭一郎(分担執筆:第6章「水力発電」,pp.54-65)

グリーンMOT叢書 環境配慮素材と自然エネルギー 北澤君義,池田敏彦,中村正行【編著】
中央経済社 , ISBN 978-4-502-66700-8 2008
Author: 飯尾昭一郎(分担執筆:第7章)


Numerical Study on improvement of power performance of waterfall crossflow hydraulic turbine
Journal of Flow and Energy, 2, 107-117, 2024
Author: N. Fujisawa, S. Iio, T. Uchiyama

Numerical simulation of the flow and output of a Savonius hydraulic turbine using the lattice Boltzmann method
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 16, 025301, 2024
Author: Tomomi Uchiyama, Takeshi Seta, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda, Kotato Takamure

Study on the optimum design of cross flow water turbines usin RSM with weighted least squares method
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 2707, 012066, 2024
Author: Y. Geng, T. Kitahora, S. Iio, Y D Choi, M. Inagaki

Performance characteristics of propeller turbine using an outer ring runner
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 2217, 012060, 2022
Author: R. Morii, S. Iio

Characteristics and suppression of vibration in cross-flow turbine with a cavity
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 2217, 012063, 2022
Author: K. Otsuka, N. Ogawa, S. Iio, T. Kitahora, Y. D Choi, M. Inagaki

ターボ機械, 50(12):742-753, 2022
Author: 西川雄基, 大平康貴, 鴨田翔, 飯尾昭一郎, 北洞貴也

Performance improvement of cross-flow turbine with a cylindrical cavity and guide wall
Journal of Fluids Engineering, 143, 121104, 2021
Author: Naoto Ogawa, Mirei Goto, Shouichiro Iio, Takaya Kitahora, Young-Do Choi, Morihito Inagaki

Vortex-in-Cell simulation of the flow and performance of a Savonius hydraulic turbine with S-shaped blades
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13, 044501, 2021
Author:Kotaro Takamure, Haotian Wang, Tomomi Uchiyama, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

日本機械学会論文集, 86(887): 20-00181-20-00181, 2020
Author: 高牟礼光太郎, 谷強, 出川智啓, 内山知実, 飯尾昭一郎, 池田敏彦

Numerical simulations of the flow and performance of a hydraulic Savonius turbine by the vortex in cell method with volume penalization
Renewable Energy, 157: 482-490 2020
Author: Tomomi Uchiyama, Qiang Gu, Tomohiro Degawa, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda, Kotaro Takamure

Enhancement of impinging jet heat transfer on inner half-cylinder using two semicircular plates mounted near both sides of the convex curved exit
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 138: 174-189 2018
Author: Yoshiaki Haneda, Yuuta Takeuchi, Hiroshi Teramoto, Shouichiro Iio, Masatoshi Watanabe

Experimental and theoretical analysis of active charge accumulator for water hydraulics system
IEEE ACCSESS, 5:881-890 2017
Author:Futoshi Yoshida, Shouichiro Iio, Kenji Ito, Ato Kitagawa

Effects of clearance between rotor and ground on the performance of an open cross-flow-type nano-hydraulic turbine
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 10:465-473 2016
Author:Tomomi Uchiyama, Shouhei Mizoguchi, Shouichiro Iio, Yusuke Katayama, Toshihiko Ikeda

Suppression of vortex precession in a non-contact handling device by a circular column
Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization, 4:70-78 2016
Author:Shouichiro Iio, Katsuya Hayashi, Eri Akahane, Yusuke Katayama, Salisa Veerapun, Xin Li, Toshiharu Kagawa

Numerical study on the flow and performance of an open cross-flow mini-hydraulic turbine
Journal of Power and Energy, 229(8):968-977 2015
Author:Tomomi Uchiyama, Shou Uehara, Haruki Fukuhara, Shouichiro Iio and Toshihiko Ikeda

日本音響学会誌, 71(9): 447-454 2015
Author: 倉澤英夫,飯尾昭一郎,森田哲矢,片山雄介,羽田喜昭,池田敏彦

Investigation of blade angle of an open cross-flow runner
International Journal of Turbo and Jet-Engines, 32(1):65-72 2015
Author:Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Salisa Veerapun and Tomomi Uchiyama

Effect of runner position on performance for open type cross-flow turbine utilizing waterfalls
International Review of Mechanical Engineering Journal, 8(6):1012-1016 2014
Author:Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Salisa Veerapun

Effect of flow condition on undershot water wheel performance
International Review of Mechanical Engineering Journal, 8(6):1005-1011 2014
Author:Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Tomomi Uchiyama, Toshihiko Ikeda

Open-type cross-flow turbine with curved channel (Effect of channel angle on water surface stability)
International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 7(6):187-191 2014
Author:Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Kaika Kimoto, Salisa Veerapun

Influence of Plasma-Neutral Collisions on Probe Measurements in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 54(3):304-307 2014
Author:N. Ezumi, K. Takahashi, T. Yoshida, Y. Hatada, Y. Hayashi, C. Uchiyama, S. Iio, K. Sawada, N. Ohno, and Zh. Kiss’ovski

Enhancement of impinging jet heat transfer using two parallel confining plates mounted near rectangular nozzle exit
Journal of Fluids, Article ID 873684, 2014(Jan.)
Author:Yoshiaki Haneda, Akiko Souma, Hideo Kurasawa, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Bluff body edge effect on pressure-hill and zone of influence
International Review of Mechanical Engineering Journal, 8(4):, 662-666 2014(July.)
Author:S. Iio, Y. Katayama, K. Kimoto, K. Hayashi, S. Tsuchiya, T. Nakagawa and E. Rathakrishnan

Numerical simulation of water flow through nano-hydraulic turbine driven by rapid and shallow stream
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering , 8:1663-1672 2014(Oct.)
Author:Tomomi Uchiyama, Shou Uehara, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda, Yukio Ide

Numerical simulation of water flow through a nano-hydraulic turbine of waterfall-type by particle method
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Article ID 473842 2013(Oct.)
Author:Uchiyama, T., Fukuhara, H., Iio, S., Ikeda, T

Direct numerical simulation of a jet issuing from rectangular nozzle by the vortex in cell method
Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 3(4):321-330 2013(Dec.)
Author:Tomomi Uchiyama, Masahiro Kobayashi, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Numerical simulation of a rectangular jet by the vortex in cell method
International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 13:245-255 2013
Author:T. Uchiyama, M. Kobayashi, S. Iio, T. Ikeda, and Y. Yoshii

Jet Flapping Control with Acoustic Excitation
Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization , 1(2):49-56 2013(May)
Author:Shouichiro Iio, Ken Hirashita, Yusuke Katayama, Yoshiaki Haneda, Toshihiko Ikeda, Tomomi Uchiyama

ターボ機械, 40(12):745-753 2012(Dec.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎,大池真悟,山崎正浩,木本海花,片山雄介,池田敏彦

ターボ機械, 40(10):630-637 2012(Oct.)
Author: 片山雄介,飯尾昭一郎,池田敏彦

可視化情報学会論文集, 32(6):9-14 2012
Author: 大川陽一, 村山拓人, 飯尾昭一郎, 尹 鍾晧, 香川利春

Influence of Setting Condition on Characteristics of Savonius Hydraulic Turbine with a Shield Plate
Journal of Thermal Science , 20(3):224-228 2011(Jun.)
Author:Shouichiro Iio, Yusuke Katayama, Fuminori Uchiyama, Eiichi Sato and Toshihiko Ikeda

Influence of gas flow on argon microwave plasma jet at atmospheric pressure
Surface and Coatings Technology , 206:1449-1453 2011
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Kosuke Yanagisawa, Chizuru Uchiyama, Katsuya Teshima, Naomichi Ezumi, Toshihiko Ikeda

Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of a Noncontact Handling Device Using Air-Swirling Flow
Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE , 137(6):400-409 2011
Author: Li X, Iio S, Kawashima K, Kagawa T.

ターボ機械 , 39(3):177-183 2011
Author: 大池真悟, 山崎正浩, 飯尾昭一郎, 池田敏彦

ターボ機械 , 39(3):162-168 2011
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 大池真悟, 佐藤栄一, 池田敏彦

Performance of a Non-contact Handling Device using Swirling Flow with Various Gap Height
Journal of Visualization , 13(4):319-326 2010
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Masako Umebachi, Xin Li, Toshiharu Kagawa, Toshihiko Ikeda

日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集 , 41(4):80-84 2010
Author: 香川利春,飯尾昭一郎,蔡茂林

日本音響学会誌 , 66(7):309-317 2010
Author: 飯尾昭一郎,倉澤英夫,羽田喜昭,小幡輝夫

Performance of nano-hydraulic turbine utilizing waterfalls
Renewable Energy , 35(1):293-300 2010
Author: Toshihiko Ikeda, Shouichiro Iio, Kenji Tatsuno

ターボ機械 , 37(12):743-748 2009
Author: 飯尾昭一郎 内山史教 園田千佳 池田敏彦

Development of a Simple Impulse Turbine for Nano Hydropower
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology , 4(3):567-577 2009
Author:Yuji NAKANISHI, Shouichiro IIO, Yoji TAKAHASHI, Akito KATO and Toshihiko IKEDA

日本航空宇宙学会論文集 , 57(667):323-329 2009
Author: 池田敏彦,兵藤俊夫,飯尾昭一郎,羽田善昭

Control of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristicsin an Impinging Jet with Acoustic Excitation
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology , 4(2):304-312 2009
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Yoshiaki HANEDA, Yasumitsu MATSUBARA and Toshihiko IKEDA

日本フルードパワーシステム学会論文集 , 40(3):50-55 2009
Author: 張小剣,吉田真,香川利春,飯尾昭一郎

計測自動制御学会産業論文集 , 7(12):79-84 2008
Author: 飯尾昭一郎,梅鉢茉紗子,黎 しん,香川利春,池田敏彦

Performance of Savonius Rotor for Environmentally Friendly Hydraulic Turbine
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology , 3(3):420-429 2008
Author: Miyoshi NAKAJIMA, ShouichiroIIO and Toshihiko IKEDA

Performance of Double-step Savonius Rotor for Environmentally Friendly Hydraulic Turbine
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology , 3(3):410-419 2008
Author: Miyoshi NAKAJIMA, Shouichiro IIO and Toshihiko IKEDA

Acoustic Control of an Impinging Planar Jet upon a Wedge
Journal of Fluid Science and Technology , 3(2):274-281 2008
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Kohei HIBINO, Masaharu MATSUBARA and Toshihiko IKEDA

Flow Visualization of Vortex Structure in a Pulsed Rectangular Jet
Journalof Visualization , 11(2):125-132 2008
Author: Iio, S., Takahashi, K., Haneda, Y. and Ikeda, T.

ルビー結晶のフラックス育成 −マイクロ水車発電した電力の利用−
Journal of Flux Growth , 2(1):33-36 2007
Author: 大石修治,纐纈明,手嶋勝弥,鈴木孝臣,飯尾昭一郎,池田敏彦

可視化情報学会論文集 , 27(1):1-6 2007
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 川村崇之, 幡野勝士, 池田敏彦

Vortex Behavior of Pulsating Jets from a Rectangular Nozzle
JSME International Journal, Series B , 49(4):988-994 2006
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Takayuki Kawaura, Masaharu Matsubara, Takashi Yoshida, Toshihiko Ikeda

Numerical Analysis of Control of Flow Oscillations in Open Cavity Using Moving Bottom Wall
JSME International Journal, Series B , 49(4):1098-1104 2006
Author: Takashi Yoshida, Toshihiko Ikeda, Shouichiro Iio

日本フル ードパワーシステム学会論文集 , 37(2):24-28 2005
Author: 梅田和寛, 飯尾昭一郎, 池田敏彦, 香川利春, 鎌田祐輔

色層可視化によるエンジンシリンダ内ガス流動の計測(第3報 空気流動計測への改良と適用)
自動車技術会論文集 , 35(1):200-205 2004
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 田坂英紀

可視化情報学会論文集 , 24(9):43-48 2004
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 田坂英紀

機械学会論文集(B編) , 69(687):2539-2544 2003
Author: 田坂英紀, 飯尾昭一郎

色層可視化によるエンジンシリンダ内ガス流速の計測 (第2報 計測システムの改良および三次元速度計測)
自動車技術会論文集 , 30(4):11-16 1999
Author: 長瀬慶紀, 田坂英紀, 飯尾昭一郎

色層可視化によるエンジン内流動の三次元計測(第2報 計測システムの改良と速度計測の検討, 模擬エンジンへの適用)
機械学会論文集(B編) , 65(637):3209-3214 1999
Author: 田坂英紀, 長瀬慶紀, 飯尾昭一郎

(巻頭言)「社会を支える分離技術」発行にあたって (特集 社会を支える分離技術)
フルードパワーシステム, 53(6): 248 2022(Nov.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

経済月報, 462: 34-35 2022(Oct.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

フルードパワーシステム, 53(4): 164-166 2022(July)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

(一社)長野県産業環境保全協会 会報 サン,50: 8-17 2022(Jan.)
Author. 飯尾昭一郎

小水力・マイクロ水力発電の最新技術 (特集 温暖化対策と電力系統安定化に寄与する水力発電)
エネルギー・資源, 42(4): 264-269 2021(July)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 宮川和芳

油空圧技術, 59(12): 5-9, 2020(Nov.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

(巻頭言)「医療に関わるフルードパワー」発行にあたって (特集 医療に関わるフルードパワー)
フルードパワーシステム, 50(4): 156 2019(July)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

水圧用流量制御弁におけるキャビテーション現象 (特集 大学における水圧研究)
フルードパワーシステム, 50(3): 122-124 2019(May)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

日本フルードパワーシステム学会, フルードパワー, 50(E1): E11-E12 2019(Aug.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

小水力発電の技術開発事例(特集 小水力発電)
ターボ機械, 46(3): 169-173 2018(Mar.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

(第8章中部圏における小規模水力の利用拡大について, pp.98-110 担当)
公益財団法人 中部圏社会経済研究所, 2017(Apr.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎

日報ビジネス, 地球温暖化, 45: 14-15 2016(Sep.)
Author: 飯尾昭一郎, 片山雄介

油空圧技術, 55(1): 49-52 2016

フルードパワーの挑戦 小規模水力発電の技術開発
フルードパワー, 30(1): 33-37 2016

分科会報告 自然エネルギー用流体機械の好適な動・静翼形状(その1)ナノ/ピコ水力エネルギー(2)
日本工業出版, ターボ機械, 43(3): 185-189 2015

分科会報告 自然エネルギー用流体機械の好適な動・静翼形状(その1)ナノ/ピコ水力エネルギー(1)
日本工業出版, ターボ機械, 43(2): 115-119 2015

特集:エネルギー特集号 未利用水力エネルギーの活用と小規模水車ユニット
日本粉体工業技術協会, 粉体技術, 6(8): 818-824 2014

日本工業出版, ターボ機械, 42(7): 451-457 2014

日本混相流学会, 混相流, 27(4): 444-450 2013
Author: 飯尾昭一郎,片山雄介,池田敏彦

砂防学会誌, 65(3): 62-64 2012

経営実務, 9: 12-19 2012
Author: 池田敏彦,飯尾昭一郎

日本混相流学会, 混相流, 25(3): 197-206 2011
Author: 池田敏彦,飯尾昭一郎

日本冷凍空調学会誌, 81(944): 443-448 2006
Author: 池田敏彦, 飯尾昭一郎

【国際学会: International conference】

Investigation of Cavitation and Flow Field in a Cross-Flow Turbine
KSME Annual Meeting 2024 International Session, KSFM-TSJ Joint Collaboration Special Session, 2-7, 2024(Dec.), Jeju, Korea
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Young-Do Choi, Takaya Kitahora, Morihito Inagaki

Investigation of Number of Blades with a Focus on Enhancing Cross-flow Turbine Manufacturing
Proc. Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-7, 2024(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: S. Takeshima, K. Suzuno, G. Katagiri, T. Arai, S. Iio, T. Uchiyama, K. Takamure

Relationship between Performance of Propeller Turbine and Blade Solidity
Proc. Twenty-first International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-8, 2024(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: F. Miura, T. Sei, S. Hashimoto, S. Iio, T. Uchiyama

Study on Cross-flow Turbine for Small Hydropower -New Casing Design-
Proc.3rd Asian Workshop on hydraulic Machinery, 3AWHM-04, 2024(Jan.19-20), Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Author: Kota Otsuka, Naoto Ogawa, Shouichiro Iio, Takaya Kitahora, Young-Do Choi, Morihito Inagaki

Influence of the Edge Curvature Connecting Between the Cavity and Guide Wall on Cross-Flow Turbine
Proc. Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-7, 2023(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: Y. Kuroda, H. Tatsumi, T. Sakai, S. Iio, T. Kitahora, Y. D. Choi, M. Inagaki

Relationship between Inlet Flow Conditions and Cross-flow Turbine Performance Proc. Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-8, 2023(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: K. Suzuno, M. Fujimori, K. Aiba, A. Yamaguchi, S. Iio

Analyzing the Impact of Operating Conditions on Energy Loss in a Crossflow Turbine
Proc. Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-9, 2023(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: A. Yamaguchi , M. Fujimori, K. Aiba, K. Suzuno, S. Iio

Development of a Micro-Pelton Turbine for Off-grid Power Generation
Proc. Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-11, 2023(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author: R. Shirai , S. Iio, T. Arai

Influence of nozzle tip length on the characteristic of a cross-flow turbine
Proc. ASME-JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Division, Cat.6, 2-07-2-05, 2023(July), Osaka Intl. Convention Center
Author: Mitsuteru Fujimori, Kazuhiro Aiba, Shouichiro Iio

Investigation of draft tube shape for a cross-flow turbine with guide wall and cavity
Proc. Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-11, 650-653, 2022(Nov.) , Sendai, Japan
Author. Toru Sakai, Yoshikazu Hayashi, Shouichiro Iio, Takaya Kitahora, Young-Do Choi, Morihito Inagaki

Influence of the nozzle disk and runner clearance on noise and performance of a Submerged Impulse Turbine
Proc. Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-12, 654-656, 2022(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author. Seisei Rin, Takahiro Saito, Shouichiro Iio, Daisuke Tsunashima

Investigation of the flow field around a guide vane in a cross-flow turbine
Proc. Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS13-13, 657-659, 2022(Nov.), Sendai, Japan
Author. Kazuhiro Aiba, Mitsuteru Fujimori, Kota Otsuka, Shouichiro Iio

Performance characteristics of propeller turbine using an outer ring runner
Proc. the 16th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM162021-00096, 2021(Sep.), Online
Author: Ryota Morii, Shouichiro Iio

Flow characteristics around a guide vane in cross-flow turbine
Proc. the 16th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM162021-00108, 2021(Sep.). Online
Author: Tom Tanaka, Kota Otsuka, Mirei Goto, Shouichiro Iio

Characteristics and suppression of vibration in cross-flow turbine with a cavity
Proc. the 16th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM162021-00136, 2021(Sep.), Online
Author: Kota Otsuka, Naoto Ogawa, Shouichiro Iio, Takaya Kitahora, Young-Do Choi, Morihito Inagaki

Numerical simulation of the flow and performance of a Savonius hydraulic turbine with S-shaped blades
Proc. the 16th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM162021-00002, 2021(Sep.), Online
Author: Kotaro Takamure, Haotian Wang, Tomomi Uchiyama, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Simulations of the Flow and Performance of a Hydraulic Savonius Turbine by the Vortex in Cell Method
Proc. International Conferernce on Material and Systems for Sustainability (ICMaSS2019), A9-P-2(1013), 2019(Nov. 1-3), Nagoya, Japan.
Author: Qiang Gu, Haotian Wang, Tomohiro Degawa, Tomomi Uchiyama, Kotaro Takamure, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda, Tomoko Okayama

Influence of Tip Leakage Flow on Small Propeller Turbine Performance
Proc. International Conferernce on Material and Systems for Sustainability (ICMaSS2019), A9-P-5(1113), 2019(Nov. 1-3), Nagoya, Japan.
Author: Koki Yoshida, Haruyuki Murakoshi, Shouichiro Iio

Noise Characteristics of Cavitating Jet through a Rectangular Orifice with Various Aspect Ratio
Proc. International Conferernce on Material and Systems for Sustainability (ICMaSS2019), A9-P-9(1145), 2019(Nov. 1-3), Nagoya, Japan.
Author: A. Watanabe, F. Yoshida, S. Iio, T. Uchiyama, K. Takamure

Influence of Flow Field on Crystal Growth with Flux Method
Proc. International Conferernce on Material and Systems for Sustainability (ICMaSS2019), A9-P-16(1298), 2019(Nov. 1-3), Nagoya, Japan.
Author: Y. Funatsumaru, S. Iio, N. Zettsu, K. Teshima

On Cavitating Jet Issuing from a Rectangular Orifice
Proc. The 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, FPM2019-406(B12), 2019(April 10-13), Wuhan, China.
Author: Akari Watanabe, Hitomi Okabe, Shouichiro Iio, Futoshi Yoshida

Feasibility Studyon a Pulsation Absorber for Vibration Power Generation
Proc. The 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics, FPM2019-408(J12), 2019(April 10-13), Wuhan, China.
Author: Kentato Mori, Shouichiro Iio

Performance of a Submerged Impulse Hydro Turbine
Proc. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018(Sept. 19), Kyoto, Japan
Author: Takuto Azegami, Yusuke Katayama, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Torque Loss Occurring on a Submerged Impulse Hydro Turbine
Proc. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018(Sept. 19), Kyoto, Japan
Author: Saki Usami, Hiroki Koyama, Takuto Azegami, Yusuke Katayama, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Cavitation in a Spool Valve for Water Hydraulics
Proc. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018(Sept. 19), Kyoto, Japan
Author: Hitomi Okabe, Yukiko Tanaka, Akari Watanabe, Futoshi Yoshida, Shouichiro Iio, Yoshiaki Haneda

Investigation of Flattened Torque Converter Performance at Low Speed Ratio
Proc. 29th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2018(Sept. 18), Kyoto, Japan
Author: Yuki Ota, Shouichiro Iio, Yoshihide Mori, Shinji Kondo

Influence of tip clearance on a small propeller turbine performance
Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference 2018(June 21), Yokohama, Japan.
Author: Haruyuki Murakoshi, Yuuri Narita, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Influence of casing wall and blade shape on a cross-flow turbine performance
Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference 2018(June 21), Yokohama, Japan.
Author: Mirei Goto, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Investigation of torque loss on a submerged impulse turbine
Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference 2018(June 21), Yokohama, Japan.
Author: Saki Usami, Hiroki Koyama, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Performance evaluation of a submerged impulse hydro turbine
Proc. Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference 2018(June 21), Yokohama, Japan.
Author: Takuto Azegami, Yusuke Katayama, Yoshiaki Haneda, Shouichiro Iio

Study on dynamic characteristics of water hydraulic proportional control valve in nonlinear region
Fluid power networks: Proc. 11th International Fluid Power Conference, 3, 130-139, 2018(Mar.), Bath, England.
Author: Yoshida Futhoshi, Miyakawa Shimpei, Iio Shouichiro

Cavitation phenomenon in a spool valve model for Aqua Drive System
Proc. The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power 2017(Oct.), Fukuoka, Japan.
Author: Hitomi Okabe, Yukiko Tanaka, Futoshi Yoshida, Shouichiro Iio

Study on Active Charge Accumulator for Aqua Drive System (Effective Parameters on Boosting Performance)
Proc. The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power 2017(Oct.), Fukuoka, Japan.
Author: Satoru Takahashi, Kazuhisa Maeda, Futoshi Yoshida, Shoichiro Iio, Ato Kitagawa

Development and application of Active Charge Accumulator for water hydraulics
Proc. The 10th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power 2017(Oct.), Fukuoka, Japan.
Author: Futoshi Yoshida, Kazuhisa Maeda, Satoru Takahashi, Shouichiro Iio, Ato Kitagawa

Experimental investigation of submerged impulse hydro turbine for water supply system
Proc. The 6th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2016(Sep.), Guilin, China.
Author: Hiroki Koyama, Takuto Azegami, Saki Usami, Shouichiro Iio

Elucidating noise characteristics of supersonic impinging jet by visualizing the jet and measuring pressure distribution on impinging plate
Proc. The 6th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2016(Sep.), Guilin, China.
Author: Toshiyuki Sakai, Shouichiro Iio, Yoshiaki Haneda

Study on open type cross-flow turbine utilizing small waterfalls (Influence of relative position between dropping water flow and a runner)
Proc. Int. Sympo. EcoTopia Science 2015(Dec.)
Author: Y. Katayama, S. Iio, S. Veerapun, T. Uchiyama

Study of open type cross-flow turbine (Influence of drop position and thickness of water)
Proc. The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM13-119, 2015(Sep.), Tokyo, Japan.
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Tomomi Uchiyama, Salisa Veerapun

Efficiency of torque converter elements at various speed ratios
Proc. The 13th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, AICFM13-060, 2015(Sep.), Tokyo, Japan.
Author: Yosuke Kimura, Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Shinji Kondo, Yoshihide Mori

Effect of parameter on characteristics of active charge accumulator for water hydraulic system
Proc. ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, 959-963, 2015(July), Seoul, Korea
Author: Futoshi Yoshida, Kenji Ito, Shouichiro Iio, Ato Kitagawa

Growing Process of Vortex Structure in a Controlled Rectangular Jet
Proc. 6th International Conference on Vortex Flows and Vortex Models(ICVFM Nagoya 2014) 2014(Sep.), Nagoya, Japan.
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Yasumitsu Matsubara, Megumi Tsutsui, Yusuke Katayama, Toshihiko Ikeda

Effect of inlet blade angle on power performance for open type cross-flow turbine
Proc. 4th ASIA-PASIFIC FORUM ON RENEWABLE ENERGY 2014(Nov.), Yeosu, Korea.
Author: Yusuke Katayama and Shouichiro Iio

Characteristics of pressure converter by Active Charge Accumulator for water hydraulic system
Proc. The 9th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power 2014(Oct.), Matsue, Japan.
Author: Kenji ITO, Shouichiro IIO, Futoshi YOSHIDA, Ato KITAGAWA

CFD Analysis in a Torque Converter at Various Speed Ratios
Proc. The 5th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2014 (5th AJWTF) 2014(Sep.), Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki, Japan.
Author: Yosuke Kimura, Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Shinji Kondo, Yoshihide Mori

Influence of inlet flow condition on undershot type cross-flow turbine
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Nobuhiro Hayashi, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Effect of flow direction control with curved channel for waterfall type turbine
Author: Kaika Kimoto, Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Effect of inlet flow condition and runner shape on the performance of undershot impulse turbine by visualization of flow pattern
Proc. 4th Int. Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows 2013(Sep.), Nagoya
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Nobuhiro Hayashi, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Study on nano-hydraulic turbine utilizing waterfalls (Investigation of flow direction control with convex shaped channel)
Proc. 4th Int. Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows 2013(Sep.), Nagoya
Author: Kaika Kimoto, Yusuke Katayama, Kousuke Shigeta, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda

Investigation of flow direction control with convex shaped channel for waterfall type turbine
Proc. Int. Sympo. EcoTopia Science 2013(Dec.)
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Kaika Kimoto, Shouichiro Iio, Toshihiko Ikeda.

Numerical simulation of water flow through a nano-hydraulic turbine applied to small weir
Proc. Int. Sympo. EcoTopia Science 2013(Dec.)
Author: Uehara, S., Uchiyama, T., Ide, Y., Iio, S., Ikeda, T.

Influence of shear layer excitation on behavior of argon atmospheric pressure plasma jet
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Plasma Science and Application 2013(Dec.), Singapore.
Author: Chizuru Uchiyama, Shouichiro Iio, Naomichi Ezumi

Control of swirling flow perturbation in a non-contact handling device with a circular cylinder
Proc. 12th Int. Sympo. Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization 2013(Nov.), Nara.
Author: Katsuya Hayashi, Shouichiro Iio, Xin Li, Toshiharu Kagawa

Visualization of flow behavior on inward flow between two parallel disks
Proc. 12th Int. Sympo. Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization 2013(Nov.), Nara.
Author: Naoyuki Matsumura, Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Toshiharu Kagawa

Numerical analysis on flow and performance of an open cross-flow type hydraulic turbine
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering, 2013(July), Kuala Lumpur
Author: Uehara, S., Uchiyama, T., Fukuhara H., Iio, S. and Ikeda T.

Numerical simulation of water flow through nano-hydraulic turbine installed downstream of weir
Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow, 2013(May), Jeju.
Author: Uehara, S., Uchiyama, T., Iio, S., Ikeda, T.

A flat shield plate effect on Savonius hydraulic turbine performance
9th European Fluid Mechanical Conference 2012(Sep.), Rome
Author: Y. Katayama, S. Iio, T. Ikeda

Tilting-link structures produced in a forced rectangular jet
9th European Fluid Mechanical Conference 2012(Sep.), Rome
Author: S. Iio, K. Matsumoto, S. Tabuchi, M. Tsutsui, Y. Katayama, Y. Haneda, T. Ikeda

Numerical simulation of water flow through a small-scale hydraulic turbine of waterfall-type
Proc. 23rd Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 2012(Nov.)
Author: Fukuhara, H., Uchiyama, T., Iio, S., Ikeda, T.

Numerical Simulation of Water Flow through a Hydraulic Turbine of Waterfall-type
Proc. The 8th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Eng. Conf., 2012(Mar.)
Author: Fukuhara, H., Uchiyama, T., Iio, S., Ikeda, T.

Optimization of a flat shield plate setting condition on Savonius hydraulic turbine
Proc. The 8th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Eng. Conf., 2012(Mar.)
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Shouichiro Iio, Eiichi Sato, Toshihiko Ikeda

Study on Open Cross-Flow Runner for Environmentally Friendry Nano-Hydraulic Turbine utlizing Waterfall (Influence of Waterfall Thickness on the Runner Performance)
ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 2011(July 26)
Author: M. Yamazaki, S. Ooike, S. Iio, T. Ikeda

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Pulsed Rectangular Jet Captured by Scanning-LIF Method
11th Asian Symposium on Visualization , ASV11-16-04:1-8 2011(June)
Author: K. Sugibuchi, S. Iio, Y. Haneda, T. Ikeda

Visualization of Acoustic Excited Atmospheric Plasma Jet
11th Asian Symposium on Visualization , ASV11-16-10:1-8 2011(June)
Author: C. Uchiyama, K. Yanagisawa, S. Iio, N. Ezumi, T. Ikeda

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Vortex Structure in a Pulsed RectangularJet
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization, 2011
Author: K. Sugibuchi, S. Iio, Y. Haneda, T. Ikeda

Visualization of Deformation Process of an Acoustic Excitation Rectangular Jet
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization, 2011
Author: M. Tsutsui, S. Iio, Y. Haneda, T. Ikeda

Vortex Simulation of Rectangular Jet by Vortex in Cell Method
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization, 2011
Author: Uchiyama, T., Kobayashi, M., Iio, S, Ikeda, T, Yoshii, Y.

Acoustic Control of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (Visualization of Plasma Jet and Working Gas)
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization, 2011
Author: C. Uchiyama, K. Yanagisawa, S. Iio, N. Ezumi, T. Ikeda

Effect of shield plate on power performance of double-step Savonius turbine(Analysis of flow patterns around a runner)
Int. Sympo. Low Carbon & Renewable Energy Technology 2010(Nov.)
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Fuminori Uchiyama, Shouichiro Iio, Eiichi Sato,Toshihiko Ikeda

Influence on Power Performance of Double-step Staggered Savonius Runner by using a Shield Plate
3rd Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2010
Author: Y. Katayama, S.Iio, E.Sato, T.Ikeda,

Flow Characteristics and Control by Sound Wave of Atmospheric Plasma Jet
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2010 2010
Author: Kosuke YANAGISAWA, Shouichiro IIO, Naomichi EZUMI, Toshihiko IKEDA

Three-Dimensional Vortex Structure in a Pulsed Jet Captured by Scanning-LIF Method
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2010 2010
Author: Kazuhei SUGIBUCHI, Shouichiro IIO, Yoshiaki HANEDA, Toshihiko IKEDA

Vortex Dynamics in a Rectangular Jet by Shear Layer Excitation
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2010 2010
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Yasumitsu MATSUBARA, Dai NAKAJIMA, Yoshiaki HANEDA, Toshihiko IKEDA

Passive Control of Self Oscillating Jet by Delta Tab
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes andSeparated Flows, ICJWSF-2010 2010
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Toshio HYODO, TetsuyaMORITA, Hideo KURASAWA, Toshihiko IKEDA

Development of a Turgo Impulse Type Simplified Turbine for Nano Hydropower
RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 , O-Sh-3-4 2010
Author: Yuji Nakanishi, Shouichiro Iio, Akito Kato, Yoji Takahashi and Toshihiko Ikeda

Development of Open Type Cross-Flow Turbine utilizing Rapid and Shallow Stream (Investigation of Blade Angle and Installation Condition)
RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 , O-Sh-1-8 2010
Author: Nobuhiro Hayashi, Aiko Tanaka, Shouichiro Iio, Eiichi Sato and Toshihiko Ikeda

Influence of Runner setting Condition on Performance of Nano-Hydraulic Savonius Turbine attached a Shield Plate
RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 , O-Sh-1-7 2010
Author: Yusuke Katayama, Fuminori Uchiyama, Shouichiro Iio, Eiichi Sato and Toshihiko Ikeda

Study on Environmentally Friendly Nano-Hydraulic Turbine Utilizing Waterfall (Effect of Flow Direction Control on Power Performance)
RENEWABLE ENERGY 2010 , O-Sh-1-6 2010
Author: Masahiro Yamazaki, Shingo Ooike, Shouichiro Iio, Eiichi Sato and Toshihiko Ikeda

Performance of Open Cross-flow Hydroelectric Turbine utilizing Waterfalls
International Symposium on Low Carbon Technology (ISLCT2009) , No.ISLCT-JP16:1-6 2009
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Kenji TATSUNO, Masahiro YAMAZAKI, Aiko TANAKA and Toshihiko IKEDA

Enhancement of Impinging Jet Heat Transfer with Two Plates Parallelly Mounted to Long Sides of a Rectangular Nozzle Exit
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2008 2008
Author: Yoshiaki HANEDA, Hideo KURASAWA , Shouichiro IIO and Toshihiko IKEDA

Effect of an Acoustic Excitation on the Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Impinging Jet
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2008 2008
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Yoshiaki HANEDA,Yasumitsu MATSUBARA and Toshihiko IKEDA

Effect of an Acoustic Excitation on the Flapping of a Rectangular Jet
Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2008 2008
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Ken HIRASHITA, Yoshiaki HANEDA and Toshihiko IKEDA

Effect of Flow Pulsation on the Vortex Dynamics in Rectangular Jet
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, CD-ROM. 2007
Author: Shouichiro Iio, Kiyoshi Takahashi and Toshihiko Ikeda

Acoustic Control of an Impinging Jet upon a Wedge
Proceedings of the EleventhAsian Congress of Fluid Mechanics , :756-761 2006
Author: Shouichiro IIO, Kohei HIBINO, Masaharu MATSUBARA, Toshihiko IKEDA

Measurement of Three Dimensional Velocity of In-cylinder Flow of a Model Engine with Color Layer Flow Visualization
Proceedings of the 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference , 3:445-450 2000
Author: Yoshinori NAGASE, Hidenori TASAKA, Shouichiro IIO

Measurement of In-cylinder Flow by Visualization of Tracers in Color Layer (2nd report Improvement of Measuring System and Examination of Velocity Measurement)
Proceedings of the 15th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium , :7-11 1999
Author: Yoshinori NAGASE, Hidenori TASAKA, Shouichiro IIO

【特許: Patents】
特開2020-139469 水力発電装置
特許第7222473号 クロスフロー水車装置
特許第6785401号 衝動タービン装置.
特許第6842068号 表流水の取水装置に設置される取水スクリーン
特許第6388263号 取水装置および発電装置