Garuda Fujii Research Laboratory is a laboratory affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, which was established in April 2019.
      We are engaged in research related to numerical simulation and CAD/CAE, including topology optimization, finite element methods, and related structural modeling. In addition, we are focusing on inverse design of structures that exhibit new functions, and are designing structures such as invisibility cloaking for making an object transparent and source illusions for location camouflage.
      In the process of conducting these studies, students will learn programming and parallel computing techniques for using multi-core computers, and promote the development of optimal design codes based on mathematical formulas. Our laboratory aims to solve difficult problems in structural optimization, which includes properties such as multimodality, the curse of dimensionality, and high ratio of material parameters. In order to contribute to the realization of unprecedented and interesting functions, we work hard, steadily, and above all, enjoy research every day.
People: LINK
Publications: LINK
Fucilities: LINK
Grants: LINK
Media: LINK
Report on research progress for PI: Every Week
Presentation Practice: Every Month